Earwax is a common occurrence for many and while excess earwax can be a problem, the production of earwax is important to the health of your ears and hearing. If you’re producing too much earwax and not clearing it out properly, it can cause more problems, particularly when it comes to the health of your hearing. Here are a few reasons why you should see an audiologist for an earwax problem, as well as what you can expect when visiting an audiologist for the first time.

What is Earwax?

Earwax or known medically as cerumen is a substance that is produced by your ears. It’s secreted in the ear canal and comes in many different colors ranging from brown to orange, red, yellow and even gray! Earwax has a number of purposes including moisturizing the ear canal skin in order to prevent itchy or dry ears. It also helps to protect the ear canal from infections. Its antibacterial properties are useful to help protect your ears from any bacteria causing harm.

How Does Excess Earwax Become a Problem?

Excess earwax, while a natural protective substance, can sometimes turn into an issue. When the ear produces more wax than necessary or when improper cleaning pushes it deeper into the ear canal, a buildup can occur. This buildup may lead to discomfort, affecting hearing and potentially causing an earache or a feeling of fullness in the ear. Additionally, it can interfere with the proper functioning of hearing aids or earplugs, making regular ear care and, if necessary, professional removal important for maintaining ear health.

The Benefits of Seeing an Audiologist

There are many benefits to seeing an audiologist for any hearing-related problems. The main one is that they can help you with a build-up of earwax. They’re also beneficial for the following reasons:

  • They help conduct a range of comprehensive hearing tests.
  • Useful for identifying any hearing loss and assisting with hearing aids.
  • Can diagnose a wide range of ear and balance conditions.

Visiting an Audiologist for Earwax Problems

What can you expect when visiting an audiologist with an earwax problem? Well, firstly, they’ll speak to you about your medical history before taking a good look at your ears. They’ll also conduct a number of audible tests to assess your hearing quality. Upon discovery of earwax problems, your audiologist will use professional tools in order to slowly and safely remove the earwax from your ears.

This is an important procedure that only audiologists should be carrying out. You could do damage to your ears if you’re trying to remove the earwax yourself with perhaps a cotton swab as it can push the wax deeper into the canal. They’ll also be able to assess your ear canal for any further damage that may have been caused by excess earwax.

See an Audiologist for Any Earwax or Hearing-Related Issues

If you’re looking to improve the health of your hearing or want to address earwax problems, then booking in to see an audiologist is essential. Consider booking an appointment with your audiologist soon.

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