Hearing aids are a standard treatment for people who have difficulty hearing. A hearing aid fitting is a process in which an audiologist determines the best type and style of hearing aid for the patient. There are three main styles of hearing aids: in-the-ear (ITE), behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-canal (ITC). Each type of hearing aid has its own set of benefits and require different care and maintenance – all of which will be discussed at your fitting appointment.

Why is Hearing Aid Fitting important?

If this is your first time getting a hearing aid, you may be wondering what to expect. The process of getting a hearing aid fitting can vary from person to person, depending on the type and severity of their hearing loss. Hearing aids are custom-made for each patient's individual needs. Prior to your fitting, you will discuss the different styles available to determine which is best for your preferences. The most common include: 


An in-the-ear hearing aid is a small, custom-made device that fits in the outer ear. An audiologist measures each patient's ear to determine the best fit for their ITE hearing aid. This type of device provides several benefits: its size makes it discreet; it sits right on the eardrum, so sound travels directly into your ear canal and some models are waterproof for people who swim regularly or live near bodies of water. 

ITE hearing aids are a good choice for people with mild-to-moderate hearing loss.


A behind-the-ear hearing aid is a larger device that sits behind the ear and hooks over the top of the ear. This type of device has several benefits: it is easy to use because all of the controls are located on the front of the unit; it is adjustable, so you can customize how much sound you want to hear and it comes in many different styles and colors, so you can find one that fits your personality.

BTE hearing aids are a good choice for people with moderate-to-severe hearing loss.


An in-the-canal hearing aid is a small, discreet device that fits in the ear canal. This type of device has several benefits: it is virtually invisible; it sits right on the eardrum, so sound travels directly into your ear canal and some models are waterproof for people who swim regularly or live near bodies of water.

ITC hearing aids are good for people with mild-to-severe hearing loss. Each type of hearing aid has varying strengths, so it is important to discuss your options with an audiologist before deciding. 

A hearing aid fitting is an important step in getting the most out of your new hearing aids. An audiologist will help you choose the best type and style of the device for your needs and will make sure that it fits properly and sounds great. Having a well-fitting hearing aid can make a big difference in your quality of life, so don't hesitate to ask questions or schedule an appointment today!