Hearing aids will always dramatically improve your quality of life. If you are experiencing changes to your hearing, then they may be recommended as a treatment option by a hearing health professional. These devices are designed to remain durable in a wide range of conditions. However, you still need to make sure that you are caring for your hearing aids the right way in warm weather. Here are some points to consider.

Keep Them Out of the Sun

You can wear your hearing aids outdoors when it is hot outside. However, you should not leave them out in the sun for long periods. This can cause damage to the batteries and lead to different elements of the hearing aid heating up. When not in use, it’s important to ensure that your hearing aids are stored correctly. They need to be put in a cool, dry place. Hearing aids are usually provided with a carry case, and these are great for keeping them safe, particularly when the weather gets warm.

Careful with Sweat

You also need to make sure that you are being careful about how much you sweat in warm weather. While hearing aids are designed to be water resistant, they are not usually waterproof. This means that they can be impacted by sweat. If you notice that your hearing aids do feel wet or damp in hot weather, then make sure that you do dry them as quickly as possible. You can dry them with a typical cloth and ensure that you don’t have to worry about issues with sweat or water damaging your devices.

Look After Your Hearing Aids When Swimming

You might be keen to go for a dip when the weather is warm. This is understandable but as mentioned, you shouldn’t leave your hearing aids outside when you go in the pool. Instead, make sure that you leave them indoors if you are swimming outside. Or, if you must take them outside with you then leave them in a shaded area where they are not in direct sunlight. Again, you should also make sure that you are removing your hearing aids before you go swimming. Even if they are water resistant, it’s likely that swimming will still impact how the devices function.

Dry Them Carefully

When you are drying your hearing aids due to high levels of moisture, you need to take extra care. This means that you should not use a hairdryer to dry your hearing aids. A device like this gets too hot and could cause damage as well. Instead, you should make sure that you use a towel and try to dry out all the different areas of the device. Your hearing health professional will be able to show you how to dry your hearing aids and give you the proper tools.

We hope this helps you understand some of the steps that you should take to care for your hearing aids when the weather is warm outside. If you do experience any issues with your hearing aids or you notice they have been impacted by the heat, get in touch with your hearing health professional for the right advice.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid repair