The most important step right after you are diagnosed with hearing loss is selecting and getting a hearing aid fitting. Remember, it is your first time so you need all the help and information you can get. It will be best to go with a loved one or friends with you to your appointment, so they could help you take notes while you talk to your audiologist. It is ok to harass your audiologist with questions till you are satisfied. Here are a few to consider when you are at your hearing aid appointment.

Are the Settings Automatic?

Most first-timers take a while to get used to their new hearing aids, and you are likely to visit your audiologist's office two or three times after fitting. The latest hearing aids have automatic volume controls that regulate amplification in quiet or noisy environments. With some hearing aids, you will have to change the setting in every environment. Your audiologists will help you determine which one will work well for you.

How Do I Change the Volume?

It can be pretty annoying to adjust the volume in any new environment you find yourself in. Asking your audiologist to help you get a good book is very important in using a hearing aid. They will teach you how to change your hearing aid volume, depending on the style you get. There are three forms of hearing aids: behind the ear (BTE) or inside-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid and in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid, which is a customized hearing aid that rests comfortably in the ear canal.

How Do I Clean My Hearing Aids?

After regular use, hearing aids begin to accumulate dirt, which could cause an infection to the ear when left uncared for and damage the ear even more. Your audiologist might recommend using these tools to clean; a hearing aid brush, a cleaning cloth, a vent cleaner and an earmold air blower. They will inform you on what type of solutions to use and take you through the proper steps to do it the right way. 

What Should I Do If My Hearing Aids Stop Working?

Should your hearing aid stop functioning, do not panic? It could be a fault which you can even fix at home. For example, if you are using a digital hearing aid, you should start by checking the batteries. After replacing dead ones with new ones, your hearing aid should start working perfectly. However, your audiologist will be in the best place to do any repairs. 

How Often Should I Wear My Hearing Aids?

The purpose of a hearing aid is to help you to be able to receive the best sounds in any given environment. Audiologists recommend wearing hearing aids for few hours of the day, especially when one has to go out to work, school or even outside. Wearing hearing aids is one of the key components in getting your hearing back so that you can wear it at all times except the shower, sleep or swim. It is a known fact that it takes your brain six weeks to six months to get used to hearing aids.

How Do I Store My Hearing Aids?

It is unrealistic to wear your hearing aids all the time. Surely you will take them off at some point. Your audiologist will advise you on the proper way to store them. They usually recommend storing your hearing aids in an enclosed space, a jewelry compartment or padded case since they are fragile and prone to damage from moisture and dust. 

So, your first point of contact should be your audiologist and not the internet. Do not forget to inquire about hearing aid accessories. Also, ask your audiologist for a demonstration on how to wear and take off your hearing aids so you can quickly get the hang of it.