When you experience hearing loss, it’s always good to know that there are numerous potential solutions. One of the most common is obviously the hearing aid, but there are many different types of hearing aid, and it’s important to make sure you use the right one for your situation.

To make sure of that, you should get in touch with your hearing care professional, who will be able to discuss with you the various kinds of hearing aid. One kind which they might mention is the ITE, or in-the-ear, hearing aid. Let’s look at this kind of hearing aid now and see how it compares.

What is an ITE hearing aid?

Quite simply, the main difference between an ITE hearing aid and a BTE hearing aid is that ITE hearing aids sit inside the ear, in the outer ear bowl. Here, all the necessary tech is fitted inside the ear mould, which is normally custom-made to fit in your ear as comfortably as possible. ITE hearing aids are useful in a number of hearing care situations, and they are particularly known for being tough and durable options, often lasting up to many years without the need for replacement.

Who are they for?

When you are speaking with your hearing care provider, they should be able to determine what type of hearing aid is most likely to suit you well. ITE hearing aids are generally useful for anyone who might experience hearing loss, but in particular those with mild to moderate hearing loss. Plus, their customizability broadens out how many people might benefit from wearing them.

In particular, the ITE style of hearing aid is especially useful for those who live an active lifestyle. Because they fit so snugly inside the ear, they are perfect for when you want to go swimming or running, or really engage in any kind of activity of that nature.

Features and benefits

We have already looked briefly at some of the major features and benefits, but let’s look a little closer now. Some of the main benefits you can hope to experience if you use an ITE hearing aid might include:

  • Discrete and less noticeable than many other types of hearing aid. For some people, BTE hearing aids are too noticeable, but that is not going to be a problem with an ITE.
  • Often easier to handle and use than other kinds of hearing aid.
  • ITE hearing aids can usually accommodate features such as telecoil and volume controls, giving you even more control.
  • Come in a range of types, so you can be sure to find one that is suitable for your needs.

As you can see, there are some important and attractive benefits to ITE hearing aids. They might be the right kind for you.

In order to find out more about ITE hearing aids, or if you just want to discuss your hearing care needs, be sure to get in touch with your hearing care professional as soon as possible. They will be able to guide you further.