When you experience hearing loss, your hearing aids are an essential tool to improve your hearing and make everyday life so much easier. Being without your hearing aids can be a severe inconvenience. Once you have become used to hearing clearly, it can be hard to return to being without your hearing aids.

But, if your hearing aids become damaged or broken, you may find yourself without them while your audiologist repairs them. The best way to ensure you are not without your hearing aids is to understand the most common ways that hearing aids become damaged so you can try to avoid them. These three tips will help you avoid hearing aid repairs and help your hearing aids to work effectively for longer:

Maintain them correctly

Thoroughly maintaining your hearing aids is the best way to keep them in excellent condition and prevent issues from arising. Incorrect maintenance or not enough maintenance is a common reason for hearing aids not to perform well and stop them from working entirely.

Understanding how to take the best care of your hearing aids will reduce the need for hearing aid repairs. Hearing aids use highly sophisticated technology and delicate parts to help them function so well. These components can become damaged easily, especially if they become blocked.

Ensuring that your ears are clear from wax is vital to maintaining your hearing aids. Earwax can cause the microphone and ports of your hearing aid to become blocked. When blockages occur, you can experience an uncomfortable feedback noise in your ear.

But maintaining your hearing aids can prevent debris and earwax causing blockages in the first place. Wiping your hearing aids over every day carefully with a clean, dry cloth will help prevent earwax from building up in your hearing aid and causing damage. It is also essential to keep your ears clean to prevent wax reaching your hearing aids.

Keep them away from water

Water and any moisture can be damaging for your hearing aids. Hearing aids are not waterproof, and their delicate parts can become damaged when exposed to water or moisture. Keeping your hearing aids away from water and sources of moisture is vital to keep them working at their best.

Making sure that hearing aids are not submerged in water is especially crucial. Before you take a bath or shower, you will need to remove your hearing aids. It is also essential to remove hearing aids before you go swimming, even if you do not plan to put your head in the water. 

Store them carefully

Storing your hearing aids carefully plays a vital role in avoiding repairs. Safely storing your hearing aids overnight and removing them when you take a shower or go for a swim is also crucial. Careful storage should help prevent your hearing aids from becoming accidentally damaged if they are dropped or knocked over. Treating your hearing aids with care is the best way to avoid any repairs and keep them working for many years.