In the U.S. an estimated 48 million people have hearing loss in both ears, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). While there are many treatment options for hearing loss, including surgery and hearing aids, getting the most out of a hearing aid requires a good fit. Here are three FAQs about hearing aid fittings.

1. How Long Does the Fitting Process Take?

The fitting process can vary depending on the person, but it usually takes around two hours. Your audiologist will need to measure your ear canal and test your hearing to find the best settings for your new hearing aids.

The first step in the fitting process is to measure your ear canals. This is done with a soft, plastic instrument called a speculum. Your audiologist will use this to see how deep your ear canals are and how wide they are at the opening.

Next, your audiologist will test your hearing. They will play different sounds and ask you to identify them. This test will help your audiologist find the best settings for your new hearing aids.

Once the fitting is complete, your audiologist will show you how to use and care for your new hearing aids. They will also give you some tips on how to adjust to wearing them.

2. How Will It Feel When My Audiologist Inserts the Hearing Aids?

Some people may experience a little pressure when the hearing aids are first inserted, but this usually goes away within a few minutes. After your fitting, you may experience some temporary sensation in your ears. This is normal and should go away within a few days. You may also notice a difference in the way your hearing aids sound at first. This is also normal and will adjust over time.

It's important to remember that everyone's hearing loss is different, so it may take some time to find the best settings for your new hearing aids. Be patient and give yourself time to adjust to your new hearing aids.

3. Do I Have to Keep Going Back for Adjustments?

How often you need to get your hearing aids fitted depends on a number of factors, including the type of hearing aid, how well it fits and how often you use it. In general, you should have your hearing aids fitted every six months to a year. Some people do need to go back for adjustments more often, but most people only need to go once or twice. If you have any problems with your new hearing aids, be sure to contact your audiologist right away.

If you are experiencing hearing loss, getting a good hearing aid fitting is essential for getting the most out of your device. Talk to your audiologist about what to expect during the fitting process and how often you should have your hearing aids fitted. They can answer any questions you have and help make the process as smooth as possible.